Free Orn – Personality Traits of a Senator

The introductory paragraph of an essay draws the reader into your work. It states the topic or question that your essay will address and motivates your stance on that issue.

Orn Free Taa is a senate member from Ryloth who has succumbed to a decadent lifestyle on Coruscant and treats politics as sport. He is noted for his bloated frame and his unusually small humanoid ears compared to other male Twi’lek in the original and prequel trilogies and in Star Wars media.


A corpulent male Rutian Twi’lek senator, Orn Free Taa represented his home planet of Ryloth in the senates of both the Galactic Republic and its successor state, the Galactic Empire. He was unpopular on his homeworld for putting his own interests above that of the planet, and during the Separatist Crisis he joined the Loyalist Committee and supported Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine against Count Dooku’s Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Orn Free Taa is unique among the other Twi’lek senators seen in the original and prequel trilogies, as well as other Star Wars media. He has pointed humanoid ears that are noticeably smaller than any other Twi’lek. It is not known what caused these differences to his appearance, whether it was a result of elective surgery or an unfortunate birth defect, but they do stand out from the rest.

Another trait that distinguishes Orn Free Taa from other Twi’lek senators is his unusually large hands. While the average twi’lek has four fingers and a thumb, Orn Free Taa has three. This difference is also observed in his Lekku, which he wears hanging from his shoulders. Unlike other twi’leks who have two Lekku, Orn Free Taa has four; two on each side of his head and down his back, just like regular Lekku. He is also the only senator to be seen wearing a neck brace. This is most likely a result of the injuries sustained from his fall into Jabba Desilijic Tiure’s beast pit during The Phantom Menace video game.


A corpulent male Rutian Twi’lek senator, Orn Free Taa represents his home planet Ryloth in both the Galactic Republic and its successor state, the Galactic Empire. He is a powerful Loyalist politician, but he is disliked on his own world for amassing wealth on Coruscant and indulging in his lavish impulses. He is a key supporter of Chancellor Sheev Palpatine during the Separatist Crisis and the early years of the Empire.

While Orn Free Taa has pointed humanoid ears, his are smaller than those of other male Twi’leks. It is unknown if this was an intentional design choice or a result of an accident or a birth defect.

Despite his size and the fact that he is a senator, he is very quick to take advantage of others. He is sly and manipulative, but he also has a sense of humor. He jokingly offers to jump off the roof of Jabba Desilijic Tiure’s beast pit after the gang falls into it, and he later utters the line “Watch it, Jar Jar” when Qui-Gon Jinn bumps into him at the Republic Executive Building. This is the only time Free Taa speaks in the Prequel Trilogy films. He is not a part of the main cast, but he does make a brief cameo appearance in the Star Wars: The Phantom Menace video game as a background character.


Often self indulgent and overly ambitious, free orn love to try new things and enjoy a healthy joie de vivre. They can be quite carefree and uninhibited, but these personalities also have their own unique challenges.

The corpulent Rutian senator Orn Free Taa represented his homeworld of Ryloth in the Senates of both the Galactic Republic and its successor state, the Empire. During the Separatist Crisis, Free Taa joined the Loyalist Committee, supporting the Republic’s leader, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, against Count Dooku’s Confederacy of Independent Systems. However, his self-indulgent behavior made him an apt symbol of everything the Separatists hated about the Republic.

While he enjoyed his wealth and the power that came with it, Free Taa’s greed was eventually exposed by the Republic’s criminal squad, Cad Bane, who used him as a bargaining chip in an attempt to free Ziro the Hutt from prison. Although he was reprimanded by Duchess Satine, Free Taa continued to put his own self-interest ahead of the good of his people. He ultimately lost his seat in the Senate to a rebel senate candidate, Katuunko of Toydaria.


A corpulent Rutian Twi’lek, Orn Free Taa was a senator for his home planet of Ryloth during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. He joined the Loyalist Committee, supporting Chancellor Sheev Palpatine against the threat of Count Dooku’s Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the Separatist Crisis, however, Free Taa became unpopular on his homeworld for enriching himself while serving in the Senate and for treating politics as a game of chance.

He later accompanied Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore on her journey to Coruscant to plead her case before the Galactic Senate. Free Taa was present during the Skirmish aboard the Duchess’ ship, and witnessed the horrific monstrosities deployed by the Death Watch and the Confederacy of Independent Systems against the Duchess and her entourage.

Like all male Twi’leks in both the live action and prequel trilogy movies, Orn Free Taa has pointed humanoid ears, but his are noticeably smaller than those of any other male Twi’lek. It has never been explained why this is; it could be due to a medical condition, an accident, or a genetic mutation.

In the Star Wars video game, The Phantom Menace, Free Taa makes a brief cameo appearance. He is standing next to Jabba Desilijic Tiure’s beast pit when the player, controlling Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, falls in.

In the upcoming expansion for The Imperials, Free Taa is featured as a playable character. He has the ability to play as a support unit with a range of abilities that will help the players protect their units and deal damage to opponents. He can also use his unique Force Power to disrupt the enemy’s ability to attack by blocking their lines of sight or removing their line of defense. He can even summon a horde of droids to assist him in battle. This expansion is available to all players on November 2022. By clicking ’Sign up’, you agree to receive our newsletter by e-mail from Displate. You can withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing performed before its withdrawal.