Sex Live (DVD) Review

sex live

A new show on Netflix is getting plenty of attention – and rightly so. Sex/Life is about a bored stay-at-home mom named Billie (Sarah Shahi) who yearns for the wild, hot sex-filled party days of her youth.

She starts writing about her experiences on her laptop. When her husband discovers what she’s written, he uses it as an instruction manual to spice up their sex life.

The second act

The second act of sex live is full of heart-tugging themes, including a healthy dose of girl power. However, the film also features plenty of glamorization of dishonesty and contains a lot of profanity that is not suitable for younger viewers. Parents should know that there are over four dozen uses of profanity, including multiple terms of deity and scatological expletives. Overall, sex live is an entertaining romantic comedy that will be enjoyed by most audiences.